Find, Validate & Autocomplete
any New Zealand Address

Trusted by leading organisations

NZ Transport (Waka Kotahi) Logo
Rebel Sport Logo
Briscoes Homeware Logo
Hell Pizza Logo
SubmitKit Logo
LivingGiving Logo
LivingGiving Logo
LivingGiving Logo

New Zealand data sources

New Zealand Post Logo
Land Information NZ Logo
Stats NZ Logo

Addy is... Address software
to enhance your business

Address Autocomplete

Add real-time address validation with spelling correction to your website

Address Cleansing

Validate and cleanse your entire customer address database using a CSV or Excel spreadsheet

eCommerce Widgets

Use plugins to verify addresses on Woocommerce and BigCommerce

Address Geocoding

Add GPS coordinates to your addresses and visualise points on Google maps

Reduce customer's keystrokes by 80%.

Addy helps New Zealand businesses to create a delightful digital experience. The key to success and repeated online sales is to deliver value to your customers by optimising your checkout process, respecting consumers' time by enabling them to complete transactions without friction and guaranteeing that parcels will be delivered.

Find and capture postal or physical street addresses on your website, Apple app or android device. Users will be delighted to have their delivery address entered fast and validated in real time to boost confidence that orders will be shipped to the right destination.

Address Autocomplete API

Addy’s secure, scalable and reliable cloud-based address web services allows developers full control over how to interact with registration and checkout fields. Use open-source jQuery plugins or write your own widget in C#, JavaScript, Angular or React. Get started with in-depth documentation, wrapper downloads, free sample code and step-by-step tutorials. Comprehensive metadata, searching and matching functionality is accessible with an API key, so your possibilities are endless.

Bulk Address Validation

Verify and de-duplicate addresses and postal codes using a .csv or .xlsx spreadsheet in 3 easy steps:

1. Upload

Enter your addresses into spreadsheet and upload it.

2. Validate

Track the bulk address validation progress and matching accuracy.

3. Download

Download the list of validated address results.

Fast - validate thousands of addresses in minutes
Verified - addresses are matched against authoritative NZ Post and LINZ datasets
Standardised - all verified addresses are in the same consistent address format
Enhanced - new metadata such as the latitude and longitude geocoordinates and Stats NZ Census metadata will be added too
Duplicated - missing attributes such as postal codes, suburbs and cities will be added to the addresses
Transparent - using the Addy ID or Parcel Number you can uniquely identify addresses for duplication detection
Recovered - Verify 500 addresses free per month, choose a plan if you need more

Find addresses in real-time

User Experience Optimisation

Show customers that you respect their time with a streamlined checkout experience. Make it quick and easy for users to fill in their delivery details accurately, reduce cart abandonment rates, save money on missed deliveries and remove the complexity of scrubbing address entries in your database.

eCommerce Checkout Validation

Add delivery and postal address verification to your online store with pre-built plugins and widgets:
BigCommerce LogoReduce friction and speed up the checkout process; use the copy-and-paste BigCommerce integration guide.
WooCommerce LogoIncrease entry speed by up to 80% - follow the step-by-step WordPress and WooCommerce instructions.